Crystal Ball - Looking back at the first decade of this Millenium

Few weeks back we ended the first decade of this Millennium. I wanted to take some time to reflect on the last decade and look at some of the macro trends that shaped the world. This post has been pending for more than a month now, I finally managed to take some time off to pen my thoughts.

Last decade was a fast paced, action packed one that brought about fundamental changes in the way the world operates, transformed global power equations and created ripples across the entire spectrum(Individuals, corporations, industries, countries etc) on a global scale. I feel that last decade was one of the defining moments of history. Some of the macro trends that started in last decade will continue for a good portion of this century and will shape the direction the world and the human race is headed in this century.

Without much ado here are some of the key trends that shaped the last decade. This is not a comprehensive list. I've tried to generalize and look at a very high level across multiple dimensions.

  • Global power transfer from West to East
  • Sustainability/Go Green gathers momentum
  • Terrorism takes the center stage
  • Internet goes mainstream
  • World goes Mobile
  • Virtual is the new normal
  • The field of Medicine is at the cusp of transformation

This the first of a series of crystal ball posts. Over the next few weeks I plan to dive into each of the above topics at length and discuss my thoughts/views in separate posts.

Pls share your thoughts on the above and feel free to suggest any macro trends that i might have missed out. I look forward to your comments.


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